Happy birthday, dude! Duder, El-Duderino, Your Dudeness!! I got you a cake! Some assembly required! Happy birthday! Keep it classy…no wine from a box! I just wanted to eat, but you lit my food on fire! 🙁 I didn’t call the fire brigade!Ĭan’t find a funny birthday meme! Still gets the sentiment across! Happy birthday! From one sexy beast to another! I know you had lots of birthday wishes yesterday, but who is thinking of you today? Me, that’s who. Is your birthday? Happy times! High five! Happy birthday, have the time of your life! Your face when they tell you, the correct number of candles on their birthday cake! I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse! And an entire birthday cake!Īnd I will strike upon you, with birthday flowers! When Chuck Norris comes to your birthday party, you give him presents! Happy Birthday! Oooh look, candles! Is it someone’s Birthday? Prepare yourself for the happy birthday memes!
Related: Happy Birthday Wishes – Simple and Unique
9) 19 Lovely Happy Birthday Meme Sister.8) 15 Sarcastic Happy Birthday Meme For Friends and Family.3) 10 Beautiful Happy Birthday Meme For Her.2) 19 Hilariously Funny Happy Birthday Meme.